Cherokee Real Estate News

Commission Fees Explained

Commission Fees Explained

If you’re preparing to buy or sell a home, you may have questions about real estate commission fees. Who pays them? How much are they? Can they be negotiated? When are they paid? Even if you’ve gone through this process…

What Stays Behind When You Sell?

What Stays Behind When You Sell?

When you’re selling your home, do you know what items you can take, and which ones you’re supposed to leave behind? While things like furniture and personal items are obvious, there are other things that may not be so cut-and-dried.…

First Night Must-Haves For Your New Home

First Night Must-Haves For Your New Home

In the flurry to prepare for your big move, don’t forget to have what you need for that first night. Moving can be stressful, and it’s comforting to know that you’ve got your essentials taken care of. You’ll no doubt…

Holiday Weekend Open House Pros and Cons

Holiday Weekend Open House Pros and Cons

Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching, signaling the start of the busy summer real estate season. If you’re getting ready to put your home on the market, you may be wondering if a holiday weekend is a good time to…

Summer Home Safety Tips

Summer Home Safety Tips

Are you moving into a new home this summer? Congratulations! The summer season is a great time to explore a new neighborhood and make your house feel like a home. Unfortunately, summer is also the top season for home burglaries.…

Buying a Home With a Pool

Buying a Home With a Pool

Whether you’re in the market for a home with a pool or not, you may end up wanting to make an offer on a home that has a pool. It’s important to understand both the responsibilities that come with pool…